[Playground: Jang of exercise experts - Specialized app for sports, exercise, and athletics]Recruitment platform for athletesSpecialized in the No. 1 rush/rough for athletics"One playground app"Recruitment job specialized for athletes!It is all possible in the School Field app where you can see quick / rough / job openings at a glance anytime, anywhere for athletes only.The Playground will help you quickly and conveniently with a quick call/rough/recruitment/job search.Exercise experts (instructors, trainers) and physical education, exercise (company / business) managers conveniently use, essential applications for athletes.- General members (customers) can apply for recruitment to the business/organization desired by the customer in the mobile application.- Center members (business operators) can find and hire the exercise experts they want from the mobile application.[Job Announcement: Full text of urgent calls]- Companies/center operators can easily post announcements with one registered Playground application.- You can check/search all job postings at a glance.- General members/trainers, instructors can search for support anytime, anywhere with one application.We will try our best to provide better service in the future, starting with job search for athletes.thank youInquiry email:
[email protected] :010-3688-6799Movemaker "Playground"